Tuesday, May 3, 2016


April, 2016 - Troy Thompson
| Check us out at cnclove.org

I noticed a crack in the foundation of my home the other day.  Considering the entire house is resting upon these cinder blocks that appear to be detaching, I thought it would be wise to remedy the issue ASAP.  Our homes sit upon a foundation....sometimes the foundations need to be revisited to ensure the house is secure.  Water and time seem to do their job...enough time given with enough water without maintenance and soon the entire investment could plummet to destruction.
Everything is symbolic to me...immediately I began to examine my life....is my life sitting well on its foundation?  When was the last time I looked at the basement?  When was the last time I visited the basement of my life?  Are there cracks?  Has water and time created weakness in my foundation?
In order to repair, I would have to dig up the outside to expose the walls!  Dig in and reveal what time and water has damaged in my soul...time to secure my life.

Risk and Faith

Risk and Faith - Troy Thompson
| Check us out at cnclove.org